Work in Progress:
Wrestling With Fate
What if you researched your ancestry only to find out your family has been cursed for past evil deeds?
Work in Progress:
The West Side Devils
An update of The Great Gatsby for our time.
Short Stories
The Lesser Saints of Silicon Valley
Another Runner in the Night
Auguries LatineLit
Dignity Xinachtli Journal—Journal X
Eurydice at the Medianoche Saloon The Plentitudes
Interview With the Trickster Squawk Back
The Invisible Man Shark Reef
The Love Potion Night Picnic
The Lovesick Arborist
Matchmaking and Taxes Somos en escritos
Ms. Perez Plans Her Funeral Latin@Literatures
Once an Immigrant
Secrets LatineLit
The Solace of Cats
Time for a Rest
Unasked Questions Twin Bird Review
Voices Agapanthus Collective
Provincetown Stories
Bear Week Queer Zine
Booklovers BarBar
Calculating Romance Discretionary Love
Commercial Street
Galatea's Revenge Rundelania
The Great Adverb War Fictional Café
Luna, Queen of Lands End Prismatica
The Plaque Atlantic Northeast
The Return
Twink Week Men Matters Online Journal
The Rise and Fall of the Baker-Andersons LatineLit